Quick Reference Guide to the Antlered Ones
For now, this will be quick and dirty. We are an adult, and have been aware as a system for over 15 years. We have diagnosed Dissociative Identity Disorder, but we are friendly to all types of plurality. We grew up rural and were raised conservative. Very conservative. We are on the lifetime path of bettering ourselves by learning about the true world around us, after escaping the teachings that harmed us in our youth. There are over 300 people tethered to our soul, and around 20-50 that regularly come front during any given era. We also globally are some kind of fairy but have never identified fully with any one specific type described by humans. So we interchange calling ourselves an elf, a fairy, a woodland spirit, a sprite, a goblin, and any manner of other things. We think at least some form of our soul(s) existed in another body before this and we hope maybe to do that again. Who knows?
Some Miscellaneous Stances of Note:
- Trans people are the gender they say they are gender is infinite as are pronoun options. Masc lesbians exist and deserve love.
- Sex work should be legal across the consensual board. Consensual creative content of any kind should not be censored by corporations or politicians.
- We really, really, REALLY hate mega-corps and love this planet.
Plurality-specific, Kin/Therian specific, and Fandom specific:
- Systems of all kinds are real. We don't judge origin or diagnosis status.
- Fictives, factives, walk-ins, etc. are all real and should be respected.
- System members associated with a minority which the body does not hold have responsibilities not to claim out-world minority status.
- Systems must take global responsiblity for each individual member's actions.
- Littles/child alters/aged-down alters should be protected and treated as their system says to.
- Fictive-heavy systems are valid. Systems with non-humans are valid. Systems of two are valid.
- We support all those identifying as other than human in mind, soul, or body.
- We support those who favor scientific or spiritual reasons for otherkin experiences, or both.
- We are staunchly pro-fiction, here meaning: fiction should be protected and is a right. It should not be censored or regulated.
- Within that, we are "pro-shippers." We do not believe a fictional ship of fictional characters should comdemn someone.
- We DO criticize "Real Person Fiction" and RPF shipping especially, and are entirely against the use of underage actors' likenesses in sensual portrayals.
- On a lighter note, we're multi-shippers. We ship all the things. We support others who do.
With all of that out of the way, please use the tools at your disposal to block/mute us wherever you may encounter us if these statements do not agree. We do not want to discuss these points unless something isn't clear, in which case feel free to reach out.